5 Do’s and Don’ts for Summer in the Office.

August 12, 2019

The sunglasses are out and the umbrellas are going away (for now). We know it can be tempting to throw the office rulebook out the window during the summer. However, maintaining a sense of professionalism is key to success at all times, even in 38-degree heat! So here are our five key do’s and don’ts to help you master summer in the office, whilst still enjoying that sunshine.

Don’t: Dress too casually

Let’s start with the trickiest one first…your wardrobe! We know it’s tempting to throw on that Hawaiian shirt or maxi dress from your holiday but it’s best to avoid getting out your holiday wardrobe, even if the dress code at work is casual. Depending on your profession, it is unlikely that you will have to wear a full suit to work in the height of summer. However, that doesn’t mean that your boss will be happy if you rock up in flip-flops. It is good to relax your wardrobe a bit to suit the weather but make sure you find an appropriate balance. We recommend switching to lighter fabrics and colours to help you stay cool but steer clear of spaghetti straps and shorts.

Do: Agree on a temperature for the office

If you are based in a shared office space, you will most likely be familiar with the fight over the air conditioning. Keep in mind during the summer months that the right temperature for you might not suit everyone. Fighting over the temperature can be a major distraction, and not one that many people will be grateful for. Agree on a temperature that everyone will be happy with and try not to change it continuously throughout the day.

Do: Get out there and enjoy the sunshine

Get outside and make the most of that vitamin D! Utilise your lunch break and increase your productivity by going for a long walk in the sunshine. Here in Old Street, many of the serviced offices and creative office spaces are lucky enough to have a roof terrace where people can soak up the rays on during their lunch break. Just be sure to keep your sunscreen and bottled water with you throughout the day.

Don’t: Complain

Of course, with the heat, comes the unbearable, and the constant struggle of figuring out how to dress in the summertime. BUT, we’ve all been waiting a long time for a glimpse of the sunshine, so try not to bring the mood down in the office by complaining about the temperature – after all, it will be gone again before we know it!

Do: Seize the opportunity

With the sunshine comes the perfect opportunity to encourage your office and colleagues to be more social. The days are longer and the options are endless so whether it’s cocktails in the sunshine or a trip to an outdoor cinema, make the most of the weather as a team and make time for some bonding.

At Proper Office, we regularly put on events during the summer that foster a sense of community and make the most out of our roof terrace in the sunshine. If this sounds like a community you want to be a part of, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!

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